XML files VS ScriptableObject (SO)
From now on, if you find references at the following documentation pages about XML files, note that that storage format has been replaced by ScriptableObject (SO) files (Excepting Removables.XML, which is still being used). We will use the acronyms SO to refer to some certain ScriptableObject file.
All the SO available are located at this path:
The ScriptableObject files have the extension .asset
For example, the old Unit.xml file has been replaced by UnitCategory.asset (SO).

Example of the ScriptableObject used for game units. UnitCategory.asset
GameUnitsSettings file.
Whenever you add or subtract any unit from any category file (SO files) you will have to modify the GameUnitsSettings file. This file may behave as a global game settings file, where you could add strings, tags, numerics, etc..

If you subtract a unit from the UnitCategory.asset file, just modify the property Units No from the file above.
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