Getting Started
If you have just purchased the Complete Strategy Kit, please click on Installation on the left hand side to begin.
Unity 5.5 Documentation v6.0 Revision (April 20, 2017)
Note from the developers: These docs are new, we expect a few things to change as we release changes to the new kit. If you find any issues with the new kit using Unity 5.5, let us know by email at: help (at)
Welcome to the City Building Kit Complete Strategy Kit, now a strategy game engine for Unity 5.5 (and above) with over 100 organized scripts. With so many functions, we've tried to break down the kit into relevant parts on the left sidebar.
Complete Kit v5.0 and Pro Kit v5.0 Documentation
Previous kit documentation for v5.0 kits can be seen here or you can login to the download center at to upgrade to the new Complete Strategy Kit v6.0
Need development help?
We have developers familiar with the City Building Kit source code available to help you with full game development or difficult source code scripting. Please contact us and ask about hiring our developers for custom work.

Build mobile games for all platforms with the industry's most detailed city-building kit.
A message from our Asset Team...
Welcome to the mobile strategy game documentation. Whether you're part of a game studio, independent mobile developer, or iOS hobbyist - the City Building Game Kit for Unity is the only complete foundation for city-building and strategy game developers.
Organized, Professional Scripts
The City Building Kit includes from 4000 (Starter Kit) to 20000 (Complete Strategy Kit) lines of code, terrain examples, menus, graphics, battle scripts, building sprites, characters images, and even an NPC demo packed into 16 to over 100 scripts (Starter to Complete Strategy Kits). 60% of our scripts have no update loop, and of the rest, 82% have a single if - usually some time-related operation. (Pro / Complete / Complete Strategy Kit)
Great Performance
Almost everything is triggered by user interaction, and recurring operations are timed at one second or more - even the battle processor.
Only thing running real-time is the movement of units and projectiles. You should see these guys attacking a town and going around the ruins - clockwork - and the performance is up too - we have been testing on a very slow tablet - probably entry level. We changed some of the shaders Unity built in, nothing fancy, and rigged some operations through fixedupdate to make them independent from frame rate. Newer devices like the iPhone 7 perform blazing fast.
Works Out-of-the-Box
Open the game kit in Unity, and deploy to your mobile phone instantly. You have in your hands the foundation behind making popular free-to-play strategy games such as Clash of Clans, Farmville, and Star Wars: Commander. We wanted to give you the ability to create your own game, however you dream it. The city-building game kit is the perfect beginning to your own ideas. Every script is customizable!
100% Customizable Source
Nearly five years of testing and development have lead to a very stable, very detailed game kit. You're purchasing thousands of hours worth of structured scripts and development. Every piece of this game kit is customizable: Terrain, buildings, characters, gameplay, in-app purchases, controls, you name it... it's customizable.
Click on any of the sections on the left to learn more. Should you have any questions about the kit, reach us personally at help (at) citybuildingkit (dotcom)
We have developers familiar with the City Building Kit source code available to help you with full game development or difficult source code scripting. Contact us about hiring our team to do custom work for you.
Dave, Richard, Costin, and Santhosh
Artists: Humberto, Ricardo, George, and Zoran
City Building Game Kit for Unity Team
Updated less than a minute ago