Custom Menu UI


Reminder - Keep Daily Backups

When working on a strategy game with a kit as big as the Complete Kit - always keep a working daily backup! Save yourself the trouble of rolling-back changes and losing work.

Where can I edit menus and the UI in the Unity editor?

Almost all UI elements are parented under the UIAnchor game object. Look in the hierarchy > UI Anchors.

We setup the kit for cross-compatability of any interface aspect ratio (landscape, portrait, 720p, 1080p, 4k, etc.) UI panels are anchored to corners or centered. You can test this out by resizing the Unity editor. Changes instantly reflect in the game.

In order to work on any one of the UI menus, please disable the other anchors and focus on the one that interests you.

Adding Your Own Menu Graphics to the Kit

After you insert your own menu source images/sprites (ours are located in Sprites_NGUI), open the atlas maker in NGUI / Open / Atlas Maker and add your own sprites here.


Screenshot from Pro Kit. Same theory applies to Complete Strategy Kit. Click on image to view larger


Don't Remove Existing Sprites

We recommend leaving the kit's existing sprites till a later stage, since deleting them from the start would make a lot of interfaces appear incorrectly, with missing elements, etc.

About the HUD UI

See the screenshot below for a summary of the different buttons included on the player's main HUD


HUD. Click to view larger.

The buttons you see on the HUD parented under the UIAnchor game objects. Look in the hierarchy > UI Anchors. You'll see the


List of game menus in Anchors. Click to view larger.


Anchors Item Naming Conventions

Just so you understand the names in the below list
PB means Progress Bar
Bt means Button

LabelAnchor LocationDescription
XPPBAnchor - Top LeftThe XP progress bar and player XP level number. Value increases as buildings are produced and XP is gained. See XP documentation page for more details.
NavigBtAnchor - Top LeftUnity Editor developer controls. For instructions how to remove, see Scroll and Zoom for Developers documentation page. Use these arrows or zoom buttons for movement on non-iOS devices such as a desktop test. Hide in gameplay after development in this Unity Development Kit.
DobbitPBAnchor - TopProgress bar of builders available and purchase more shop button. (Opens Shop Resources menu)
CloakPBAnchor - TopShield timer progress bar and purchase more shop button. (Opens Shop Shield menu) See Shield page in the docs.
HousingPBAnchor - Top RightTotal player army count progress bar.
GoldPBAnchor - Top RightTotal player currency #1 count progress bar.
ManaPBAnchor - Top RightTotal player currency #2 count progress bar.
HardPBAnchor - Top RightTotal player rare currency count progress bar plus purchase more shop button. (Opens Shop IAP menu)
SettingsBtAnchor - Bottom RightSettings button, opens settings menu. (Anchor - Center: Settings)
ShopBtAnchor - Bottom RightShop button, opens shop menu. (Anchor - Center: Shop)
CompetitionAnchor - Bottom LeftGo to battle button, opens Army menu. (Anchor - Center: Army)

How to increase the size of the UI

Does the UI appear too small (see below screenshot) for your platform? Follow these steps to change the size to match your platform.


Example of the small UI for a particular platform. Click to view larger

If you want the interface to appear larger on any particular platform, modify the size of the projection up to the point where the elements start overlapping each other. See the below screenshot.


Click to view larger

Now, we run the scene again and see the UI increased in size:


Fixed UI size. Click to view larger

How to hide UI items

The following video tutorial shows you how easy it is to hide UI items in the City Building Kit.

Menu UI Backgrounds

Our backgrounds are tiled – composed of many small elements. The sprites are located in BackAtlas – you can insert your own, and assuming they have other sizes than 64x64px, make sure you change the Edit/Snap Settings to position them more easily.


Screenshot from Pro Kit menu. Same theory applies to Complete Strategy Kit. Click on image to view larger

Also, observe that there are some large background sprites – CheckerBk and CheckerBkShadow, to avoid the square checker appearance of the menus – because the backgrounds are tiled, you can see through some green lines from the grass underneath in some portions – although they are aligned with snap, the 'cracks' remain visible.

Layer Depth (for shadows and other objects)

Layers allow you to have shadows behind your menu, or objects like text on top of your menu. The below screenshot is from the Pro Kit menu but the same theory applies to all of our kits including the Complete Strategy Kit.


Click on image to view larger

If at any time, the elements of your new buttons don't appear properly in the background/foreground, change the layer depth of the elements/their parents. They can be quite stubborn sometimes, but they can be fixed.


Sharing Layer Depth

Pay attention to the layer depth. Having two visible elements on the same depth might appear correctly in the editor, but then flip at run-time (or any other time) like the below screenshot.

If at any time, the elements of your new buttons don't appear properly in the background/foreground, change the layer depth of the elements/their parents.


Flipped layers. Click on image to view larger

Custom Menu UI

Following the tips above, you can create your own custom menus quickly by changing the existing graphics in each anchor. In the below screenshot example, we've customized the Pro Kit for a farming game.


Click on image to view larger


Farming Game Source Code

Customers can contact us to see our farming game kit development demo which shows a customized menu like seen above.

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