BaseCreator.cs Reference


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What is BaseCreator.cs?

For the City Building Kit, we've optimized the scripting for placing any sort of structure (walls, buildings, decorations, etc.) into a single multi-functional script. StructureCreator (also known as BaseCreator) builds anything, different prefabs and XML descriptors; this includes array-builds, for walls and fences, instant builds(without construction sequence).

BaseCreator.cs References

The following list of functions are included in BaseCreator.cs -- the powerhouse for structure creation in city-building games. These functions include updating labels from the store, moving structures, constructing structures, and reading data from XML among other major features.

void OnBuild0()-OnBuild20()When a building construction menu button is pressed, these functions are triggered by the menu buttons.
void Verify()Verifies if the structure can be created
void Delay()Runs the delay function in Relay.cs (0.2 second delay)
void Update ()Update is called once per frame
IEnumerator MouseOperations(int index)Mouse operations on OK button push
void ReadStructureXML()Reads structure XML (determines the right XML function to run). A bit of magic here; although the XMLs for various structures - Buildings, Weapons, Walls will be different, each child creator script
will call and process a different Get***XML
void GetBuildingsXML()Reads buildings XML
void GetWallsXML()Reads wall XML
void GetWeaponsXML()Reads weapon XML
void GetAmbientXML()Reads ambient decorations XML
void UpdatePrices()Update structure price labels
void UpdateStructuresAllowed()Gets maximum allowed structures from stats based on what type of structure
void UpdateButtons()starts UpdateLabelStats()
IEnumerator UpdateLabelStats()Updates labels in store for structures depending on player stats (some buttons change text color depending on resources available or not)
void MoveNW()Triggers Northwest grid movement Move(0);
void MoveNE()Triggers Northeast grid movement Move(1);
void MoveSE()Triggers Southeast grid movement Move(2);
void MoveSW()Triggers Southwest grid movement Move(3);
void MovingPadOn()turns the moving pad arrows on
void Move(int i)grid movement (NW, NE, SE, or SW) - this function triggered by all movement options (mouse, touch, buttons)
void MouseTouchMove()determines either mouse or touch move
void TouchMove()converts touch movement to grid movement
void MouseMove()converts mouse movement to grid movement
GetMousePosition()gets the mouse position using raycasting
void AdjustStructureZ(int pivotIndex, int spriteIndex)adjusts the z-index for the structure (to appear above other objects)
void InstantiateStructure()instantiates the building and grass prefabs
void SelectStructure()after the grass/building prefabs are instantiated, they must be selected from the existing structures on the map
void PlaceStructure()runs when placing a structure that requires a construction time
void PlaceStructureGridInstant()runs on either reselect or instan-build structures placement
void PutBackInPlace()puts the structure back where it was (when moving and cancels)
void RegisterGridPosition(StructureSelector sSel)get row/column of grid coordinate
void CancelObject()cancel construction, or reselect building and destroy/cancel
void DecreaseStorage(string resType, int value)when a building is reselected and destroyed, the gold/mana storage capacity decrease
void VerifyConditions()verifies if the building can be constructed (exceeds max number of structures / enough gold/mana/free dobbits to build?) pays the price to Stats; updates the Stats interface numbers
void ReloadExistingStructures(int index)restarts UpdateExistingStructures()
void UpdateExistingStructures(int value)updates total structures. For example, if you are allowed to have 50 walls/50 wooden fences, you can build any type, and the number 50 is decreased as a whole
void ConstructionFinished(string constructionType)runs when a building finishes construction - returns the builder and adds cap or stats from that building to the total
int BuildingTypeToIndex(string constructionType)converts the building type to the structure type index
void OnReselect(GameObject structure, GameObject grass, string structureType)receive a Tk2d button message to select an existing building; the button is in the middle of each building prefab and is invisible
void GetCurrentSelection(string structureType)get structure selection by structure Type
void ReselectStructure()runs when a building is reselected to be moved
void Cancel()cancel the structures
void OK()OK button to place the structure when moving or dropping a fresh construction
IEnumerator Deselect()pauses to allow menu buttons to work again
void AdjustConstructionZ()Changes the z level for construction structures
void ActivateMovingPad()structure move pad arrows activated and translated into position
void RecordSpawnPoint()Records the starting point for every 3d star effect that appears above walls after they are placed.
void CreateStarArray()Calculates the total 3d stars needed to be placed above every wall object.
IEnumerator LateOnCreateFields()Same as OnCreateFields but delayed
IEnumerator CreateStar(Vector3 gridPos, int iRow, int jCol)The star animation effect from wall placements
void OnCreateFields()Used when starting the star animation effect from wall placements
void OnCloseFields()Used when ending the star animation effect from wall placements
void CreateFields()Used when starting the star animation effect from wall placements
void OnFieldBuild()Used when starting the star animation effect from wall placements
void CloseFields()Used when closing the star animation effect from wall placements
void DestroyStars()Removes the 3D star effect from wall placements

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