
Reminder - Keep Daily Backups

When working on a strategy game with a kit as big as the Complete Kit - always keep a working daily backup! Save yourself the trouble of rolling-back changes and losing work.

What is campaign?

Campaign allows players to battle scenarios of increasing difficulty with maps you've premade. Attacking players gain resources and enter battle just like as if it's against a normal player, however they pick the type of base they want to attack in the Army menu by selecting one of the campaign map locations.

These campaign locations aren't technically enemy players - so although the attacking player can destroy these bases and gain loot, the bases don't decrease in value. They remain with the same value for each player as you would expect campaign maps to perform.

We've designed 21 map buttons in the kit but you can customize this however you wish. The full source code is included. For example, you can edit these maps regularly on your server to provide monthly fresh content. Or make extremely difficult challenges for players.

The choice is yours. Developers that don't want campaign elements in their game can remove the campaign options from the army menu (Game scene - Anchor center: army). Removing these elements will automatically disables campaign from your game.

If you want to use the campaign element in your game, there's lots of variations you could try. Here are a few ideas to start that don't require a lot of changes:

Campaign Variation IdeasDescription
Campaign VillagesLet the player battle one of the 21 campaign maps. No changes necessary.
Daily Challenge MapsLet players challenge the Map-of-the-day from 31 that you choose.
Level Up VillagesIncreasing difficulty, depending on whether the user can defeat the previous level.
Top Player VillagesInstead of delivering maps you designed, feature your top players. Upload like the daily challenge.
Sandbox VillagesUse the single-player campaign as a sandbox to let users try out troops on a sample map.

Campaign Menu

When going to battle, the player can select any one of the campaign buttons to battle premade campaign maps or the pick a fight to battle players. The campaign menu is a scroll view you can click and drag to see more. Below is a screenshot of the layout and background images you can customize in the Game scene, Anchor Center, army element.


Click to view closer.

We've included a scroll box so you can let players scroll through all of the campaign map options. By default, we've enabled them all for developers to test - although if you would like to progressively unlock campaign levels then you'll want to add this as a variable that is generated on the battle complete menu in Helios.cs, transfered with TransData.cs and stored as a new setting using SaveLoadMap.cs.

A good example to look at is the ((TransData)transData).tutorialBattleSeen variable which tracks if the user has seen the battle tutorial and stores that permanently with their player base as ((StatsBattle)statsBattle).tutorialBattleSeen.


Click and drag the menu to view more campaign maps. Everything is customizable.

What script is involved?

When the user goes to battle (the Game scene Anchor Center - army menu) they can either select a random player base to battle or pick one of the campaign maps in the campaign scrollview. The Scripts/Menus/Army/MenuArmy.cs controls everything that happens on the army menu.

If they pick one of the 21 campaign buttons, one of the LoadCampaign0() - LoadCampaign20() functions associated with those buttons is triggered which runs LoadCampaign() that sets the campaignLevel variable and runs LoadMultiplayer0() which checks if they have enough units and the campaignLevel variable is set.

The following excerpt from MenuArmy.cs shows you these functions:

// MenuArmy.cs // The following excerpt is from the army go to battle menu // And this is how the campaign is initiated // It follows the same structure like loading multiplayer bases // Except we load one of 21 specific maps: // 0000camp00 - 0000camp20 instead of a random player map // These 21 functions connect to the 21 NGUI campaign buttons placed // on the army menu public void LoadCampaign0(){LoadCampaign (0);} public void LoadCampaign1(){LoadCampaign (1);} public void LoadCampaign2(){LoadCampaign (2);} public void LoadCampaign3(){LoadCampaign (3);} public void LoadCampaign4(){LoadCampaign (4);} public void LoadCampaign5(){LoadCampaign (5);} public void LoadCampaign6(){LoadCampaign (6);} public void LoadCampaign7(){LoadCampaign (7);} public void LoadCampaign8(){LoadCampaign (8);} public void LoadCampaign9(){LoadCampaign (9);} public void LoadCampaign10(){LoadCampaign (10);} public void LoadCampaign11(){LoadCampaign (11);} public void LoadCampaign12(){LoadCampaign (12);} public void LoadCampaign13(){LoadCampaign (13);} public void LoadCampaign14(){LoadCampaign (14);} public void LoadCampaign15(){LoadCampaign (15);} public void LoadCampaign16(){LoadCampaign (16);} public void LoadCampaign17(){LoadCampaign (17);} public void LoadCampaign18(){LoadCampaign (18);} public void LoadCampaign19(){LoadCampaign (19);} public void LoadCampaign20(){LoadCampaign (20);} // Called by the buttons to load the specific campaign level private void LoadCampaign(int campaignLevel) { // Sets the transfer data for battle // Used by Scripts/Multiplayer/TransData.cs and Scripts/Save/Helios.cs ((TransData)transData).campaignLevel = campaignLevel; // Start the game loading LoadMultiplayer0 (); } // This function goes through a few error cases that might prevent // a battle from starting. Such as: // no units for battle // no gold (requires 250 to search unless a campaign map) public void LoadMultiplayer0() { bool unitsExist = false; // Check unit total for (int i = 0; i < ((Stats)stats).existingUnits.Length; i++) { if(((Stats)stats).existingUnits[i]>0) { unitsExist = true; break; } } // If units exist and a campaign level number too - load a campaign map (no charge) if (unitsExist && ((TransData)transData).campaignLevel != -1) { StartCoroutine (LoadMultiplayerMap (0)); } else if(!unitsExist) { // No units exist, show an error message ((Messenger)statusMsg).DisplayMessage("Train units for battle."); } else if(unitsExist && ((((Stats)stats).gold >= 250&&((TransData)transData).campaignLevel==-1))) { // A normal multiplayer match is starting, go to battle if they have gold and it's not a campaign button press StartCoroutine(LoadMultiplayerMap(0)); } else if(!unitsExist) { // No units exist, show an error ((Messenger)statusMsg).DisplayMessage("Train units for battle."); } else { // No gold - show an error ((Messenger)statusMsg).DisplayMessage("You need more gold."); } }

If the player has units and clicked a campaign button, the above reference code starts the coroutine LoadMultiplayerMap(0) which basically sets the transfer data, loads the battle scene (Map01 scene) and calls Scripts/Save/SaveLoadBattle.cs to take over with loading the enemy base.

The following excerpt from SaveLoadBattle.cs shows the DownloadBattleMap() function which connects to the server and requests either a random player map or in this case since the campaignLevel variable was carried over from the transfer data - it requests one of the 21 campaign maps (0000camp00 - 0000camp20) as seen in the below excerpt:

// Excerpt from SaveLoadBattle.cs // Second step after the transdata move from // the player base to the battle map // IEnumerator DownloadBattleMap() { // Get the player's ID for telling the server what map is the player's map // This prevents accidentally downloading the player's map as an enemy base // (loads a map other than the user map) if(CheckServerSaveFile()) ReadMyMapID(); else myMapIDCode = nullMapIDCode; // Get the campaign level from the transfer data // If not set, this means it's a player battle requested // and not a campaign battle requested int campaignLevel = ((TransData)transData).campaignLevel; // Normal player versus player battle // Requests a random player map that doens't match the player's map ID // This connects to the server address and file address // Setup in the Map01 scene GameManager > SaveLoadBattle Inspector // if (campaignLevel == -1) w2 = new WWW (serverAddress + filesAddress + "?get_random_map=1&mapid=" + myMapIDCode + "&license=" + license); //mapid with the get_random_map to prevent the user's map from being downloaded by accident else { // A campaign map has been requested // Sets the battleMapID from the 21 available (0000camp00 - 0000camp20) battleMapID = "0000camp" + campaignNo [campaignLevel]; // Requets the battle map contents from the server scripts // If you don't have these server scripts yet -- login to // CityBuildingKit.com/download to get them or contact us for help w2 = new WWW (serverAddress + matchAddress + "?get_user_map=1&mapid=" + battleMapID + "&license=" + license); } // Returns the map data yield return w2; // ..... to learn more about the rest of this loading process // ..... see the Finding Battles documentation page

Once the map data is returned, DownloadBattleMap continues to verify the data and then loads the map by triggering the function LoadGame()

Where are campaign maps stored?

Read the Online Server Sync > Admin Player Management documentation page for more details about how you can view and edit campaign maps using the server scripts included with the City building Kit. If you don't yet have these server scripts, please download them from CityBuildingKit.com/download or contact us for help.

How to test campaign?

To test campaign, make sure you've added your license code to Map01 scene GameManager > SaveLoadBattle. Play the Unity scene, train 10-20 army units and then open the Army menu to view the campaign maps. Click any of the campaign buttons to go to battle against the bases.

Can I see some example maps?

We've included examples below, but you can get the full set 0000camp00 - 0000camp20 in the following download link:


v6.0 Sample Maps Download Link


Campaign Map #1

We've included a few image previews of the campaign maps included with the server scripts. The following example is the first campaign map, a simple base with one cannon and two resource storage barrels. This map is 0000camp00.txt included in the server map files (download link above).

Each of these maps are samples you can change - read details further below at the bottom of this page for how to create your campaign maps using the City Building Kit.


Click to view closer.

The source code for the 1st sample campaign map (0000camp00.txt) is included below:

###StartofFile### ###PosStruct### Weapon,Cannon,118,2,-384,362 Building,Barrel,119,3,-128,633.5 Building,Barrel,120,3,-768,181 ###GridStruct### WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,93,22,15 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,94,22,16 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,95,22,17 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,96,22,18 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,97,22,19 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,98,22,20 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,99,22,21 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,100,22,22 WoodFence,WoodCornerS,101,17,14 WoodFence,WoodCornerW,102,22,14 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,103,21,14 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,104,20,14 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,105,19,14 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,106,18,14 WoodFence,WoodCornerN,107,22,23 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,110,21,23 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,111,20,23 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,112,19,23 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,113,18,23 WoodFence,WoodCornerE,115,17,23 WoodFence,WoodEndSW,116,17,22 WoodFence,WoodEndNE,117,17,15 ###Construction### ###Removables### TreeA,0,0,2,30 ClamA,2,0,3,4 ClamA,3,0,3,6 TreeA,4,0,3,7 TreeD,5,0,3,31 TreeC,6,0,4,12 ClamA,7,0,4,23 ClamA,8,0,4,27 ClamB,9,0,5,22 TreeD,10,0,5,30 TreeB,11,0,6,9 TreeB,12,0,6,22 TreeA,13,0,6,33 TreeC,14,0,7,17 ClamC,15,0,7,18 ClamC,16,0,7,23 TreeD,17,0,8,12 TreeB,18,0,8,17 ClamA,19,0,8,19 ClamB,20,0,8,32 TreeB,21,0,8,33 TreeA,22,0,9,6 ClamA,23,0,9,18 ClamB,24,0,9,20 TreeD,25,0,9,21 ClamA,26,0,9,31 ClamA,27,0,10,5 TreeB,28,0,10,7 TreeB,29,0,10,12 TreeA,30,0,11,9 ClamA,31,0,11,18 TreeD,32,0,11,30 TreeB,33,0,11,33 TreeC,34,0,13,5 ClamC,35,0,13,14 ClamA,36,0,13,26 ClamA,37,0,14,7 TreeA,38,0,14,14 TreeA,39,0,15,8 TreeC,40,0,15,29 TreeB,41,0,16,12 ClamC,43,0,16,29 TreeD,44,0,17,5 ClamC,46,0,18,3 ClamA,48,0,18,28 TreeA,49,0,18,30 TreeD,50,0,19,6 TreeC,53,0,20,26 ClamC,54,0,20,28 TreeA,55,0,21,5 TreeC,57,0,21,26 ClamB,58,0,22,3 TreeA,59,0,22,25 TreeB,60,0,23,32 TreeB,61,0,24,14 TreeA,62,0,24,26 TreeB,63,0,25,5 TreeA,64,0,25,16 ClamC,65,0,25,17 ClamC,66,0,25,20 TreeC,67,0,26,8 TreeD,68,0,26,9 TreeD,69,0,26,10 TreeD,70,0,26,16 TreeC,71,0,26,23 TreeA,72,0,26,24 TreeC,73,0,27,5 TreeA,74,0,27,9 ClamA,75,0,27,16 TreeB,76,0,27,31 TreeC,77,0,28,9 ClamB,78,0,28,13 ClamC,79,0,28,15 TreeA,80,0,28,20 ClamA,81,0,28,25 TreeC,82,0,29,14 TreeB,83,0,29,15 TreeB,84,0,29,16 ClamB,85,0,29,19 ClamC,86,0,29,22 TreeA,87,0,29,33 TreeA,88,0,31,22 TreeC,89,0,31,29 ClamB,90,0,32,31 ClamB,91,0,33,6 ClamC,92,0,33,16 ###RemovableTimers### ###Numerics### 120,117,118 0.00,0 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ###Stats### 120,342,1,0,0,100,496400,499900,6696,500000,505000,7502,True,True,True,True,True 11/10/2016 9:35:58 PM ###EndofFile###

Campaign Map #3 Daytime

A preview of the 3rd campaign map included with the server scripts (0000camp02.txt) day and night cycles.


Click to view closer.

Campaign Map #3 Nighttime

The following is a nighttime view. The same day/night cycle scripting runs for the battle scene as it does for the base scene. So the enemy bases could end up in a night cycle depending on how you change the original day night cycle code.

See the Gameplay > Daytime Nighttime Cycles documentation for more details about day / night cycles.


Nighttime view. Click to view closer.

The source code for the 3rd campaign map (0000camp02.txt) is included below:

###StartofFile### ###PosStruct### Weapon,ArcherTower,146,2,128,-724 Weapon,ArcherTower,147,2,1408,181 Weapon,ArcherTower,148,2,-1280,271.5 Weapon,ArcherTower,149,2,0,1176.5 Building,Forge,150,3,-128,-452.5 Building,Forge,151,3,-512,-181 Building,Vault,152,3,-896,90.5 Building,Generator,153,3,1024,362 Building,Generator,154,3,640,633.5 Building,Barrel,155,3,256,905 Building,Summon,156,3,-768,543 Building,Toolhouse,157,2,-256,995.5 Weapon,Cannon,158,2,768,-271.5 ###GridStruct### WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,98,24,15 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,99,24,18 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,100,24,16 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,101,24,17 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,102,24,14 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,103,24,19 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,104,24,20 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,105,24,21 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,106,24,22 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,107,24,23 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,108,23,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,109,22,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,110,21,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,111,20,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,112,19,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,113,18,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,114,17,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,115,16,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,116,24,24 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,117,24,25 WoodFence,WoodCornerN,118,24,26 WoodFence,WoodCornerW,119,24,13 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,120,23,13 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,121,22,13 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,122,21,13 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,123,20,13 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,124,19,13 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,125,18,13 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,126,17,13 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,127,16,13 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,128,15,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,129,14,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,130,13,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,131,12,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,132,11,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,133,15,13 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,134,14,13 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,135,13,13 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,136,12,13 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,137,11,13 WoodFence,WoodCornerS,138,10,13 WoodFence,WoodCornerE,139,10,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,140,10,25 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,141,10,24 WoodFence,WoodEndSW,142,10,23 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,143,10,14 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,144,10,15 WoodFence,WoodEndNE,145,10,16 ###Construction### ###Removables### ClamA,0,0,2,6 ClamB,1,0,2,13 ClamB,2,0,2,18 ClamA,3,0,2,22 ClamA,4,0,2,27 TreeA,5,0,3,13 TreeD,6,0,3,19 ClamB,7,0,4,7 ClamC,8,0,4,15 ClamB,9,0,5,33 ClamB,10,0,6,17 ClamC,11,0,6,20 TreeB,12,0,6,22 TreeA,13,0,7,17 TreeC,14,0,7,27 TreeC,15,0,8,11 ClamA,16,0,8,17 ClamC,17,0,9,13 ClamB,18,0,9,18 ClamB,19,0,9,21 ClamC,20,0,9,26 ClamB,21,0,9,28 TreeD,24,0,10,33 TreeB,25,0,11,4 TreeB,27,0,11,29 TreeB,28,0,12,8 TreeC,30,0,13,30 TreeC,31,0,13,31 TreeD,33,0,14,27 TreeC,34,0,15,2 ClamB,35,0,15,4 TreeC,36,0,15,8 TreeA,38,0,15,33 TreeD,39,0,16,5 TreeC,40,0,17,3 TreeA,41,0,17,11 ClamB,43,0,18,3 TreeC,44,0,18,6 TreeD,45,0,18,8 ClamB,50,0,20,28 TreeC,54,0,23,4 ClamC,55,0,23,11 ClamC,57,0,23,32 TreeD,58,0,24,2 TreeA,59,0,24,9 ClamC,61,0,25,22 ClamC,62,0,26,3 TreeD,63,0,26,9 ClamB,64,0,26,10 ClamB,65,0,26,23 ClamA,66,0,26,24 TreeA,67,0,26,27 ClamB,68,0,26,33 ClamC,69,0,27,6 TreeB,70,0,28,8 TreeB,71,0,28,16 ClamA,72,0,28,17 ClamA,73,0,29,6 TreeD,74,0,29,15 TreeC,75,0,29,18 ClamB,76,0,29,26 TreeC,77,0,29,28 ClamC,78,0,29,31 ClamC,79,0,30,9 ClamC,80,0,30,13 ClamC,81,0,30,15 TreeB,82,0,30,22 ClamA,83,0,30,23 ClamC,84,0,30,27 ClamA,85,0,31,3 ClamA,86,0,31,16 ClamA,87,0,31,23 TreeB,88,0,31,27 TreeD,89,0,31,28 ClamB,90,0,32,10 TreeD,91,0,32,28 ClamA,92,0,32,31 TreeA,93,0,33,3 TreeD,94,0,33,7 TreeA,95,0,33,20 TreeA,96,0,33,23 TreeB,97,0,33,32 ###RemovableTimers### ###Numerics### 157,145,158 0.00,0 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ###Stats### 158,1489,2,0,0,100,92700,96200,473,502500,502500,500,True,True,True,True,True 11/10/2016 9:56:57 PM ###EndofFile###

Campaign Map #4 Daytime

Here is a screenshot of the the 4th campaign map included with the kit demo (0000camp03.txt)


Click to view closer.

Campaign Map #4 Nighttime


Nighttime view. Click to view closer.

The source code for the 4th campaign map (0000camp03.txt) is included below:

###StartofFile### ###PosStruct### Weapon,ArcherTower,146,2,128,-724 Weapon,ArcherTower,147,2,1408,181 Weapon,ArcherTower,148,2,-1280,271.5 Weapon,ArcherTower,149,2,0,1176.5 Building,Forge,150,3,-128,-452.5 Building,Forge,151,3,-512,-181 Building,Vault,152,3,-896,90.5 Building,Generator,153,3,1024,362 Building,Generator,154,3,640,633.5 Building,Barrel,155,3,256,905 Building,Summon,156,3,-768,543 Building,Toolhouse,157,2,-256,995.5 Weapon,Cannon,158,2,768,-271.5 Weapon,Cannon,159,2,384,0 Weapon,Cannon,160,2,0,271.5 ###GridStruct### WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,98,24,15 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,99,24,18 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,100,24,16 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,101,24,17 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,102,24,14 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,103,24,19 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,104,24,20 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,105,24,21 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,106,24,22 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,107,24,23 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,108,23,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,109,22,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,110,21,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,111,20,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,112,19,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,113,18,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,114,17,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,115,16,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,116,24,24 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,117,24,25 WoodFence,WoodCornerN,118,24,26 WoodFence,WoodCornerW,119,24,13 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,120,23,13 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,121,22,13 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,122,21,13 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,123,20,13 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,124,19,13 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,125,18,13 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,126,17,13 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,127,16,13 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,128,15,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,129,14,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,130,13,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,131,12,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,132,11,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,133,15,13 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,134,14,13 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,135,13,13 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,136,12,13 WoodFence,WoodFenceNW,137,11,13 WoodFence,WoodCornerS,138,10,13 WoodFence,WoodCornerE,139,10,26 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,140,10,25 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,141,10,24 WoodFence,WoodEndSW,142,10,23 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,143,10,14 WoodFence,WoodFenceNE,144,10,15 WoodFence,WoodEndNE,145,10,16 ###Construction### ###Removables### ClamA,0,0,2,6 ClamB,1,0,2,13 ClamB,2,0,2,18 ClamA,3,0,2,22 ClamA,4,0,2,27 TreeA,5,0,3,13 TreeD,6,0,3,19 ClamB,7,0,4,7 ClamC,8,0,4,15 ClamB,9,0,5,33 ClamB,10,0,6,17 ClamC,11,0,6,20 TreeB,12,0,6,22 TreeA,13,0,7,17 TreeC,14,0,7,27 TreeC,15,0,8,11 ClamA,16,0,8,17 ClamC,17,0,9,13 ClamB,18,0,9,18 ClamB,19,0,9,21 ClamC,20,0,9,26 ClamB,21,0,9,28 TreeD,24,0,10,33 TreeB,25,0,11,4 TreeB,27,0,11,29 TreeB,28,0,12,8 TreeC,30,0,13,30 TreeC,31,0,13,31 TreeD,33,0,14,27 TreeC,34,0,15,2 ClamB,35,0,15,4 TreeC,36,0,15,8 TreeA,38,0,15,33 TreeD,39,0,16,5 TreeC,40,0,17,3 TreeA,41,0,17,11 ClamB,43,0,18,3 TreeC,44,0,18,6 TreeD,45,0,18,8 ClamB,50,0,20,28 TreeC,54,0,23,4 ClamC,55,0,23,11 ClamC,57,0,23,32 TreeD,58,0,24,2 TreeA,59,0,24,9 ClamC,61,0,25,22 ClamC,62,0,26,3 TreeD,63,0,26,9 ClamB,64,0,26,10 ClamB,65,0,26,23 ClamA,66,0,26,24 TreeA,67,0,26,27 ClamB,68,0,26,33 ClamC,69,0,27,6 TreeB,70,0,28,8 TreeB,71,0,28,16 ClamA,72,0,28,17 ClamA,73,0,29,6 TreeD,74,0,29,15 TreeC,75,0,29,18 ClamB,76,0,29,26 TreeC,77,0,29,28 ClamC,78,0,29,31 ClamC,79,0,30,9 ClamC,80,0,30,13 ClamC,81,0,30,15 TreeB,82,0,30,22 ClamA,83,0,30,23 ClamC,84,0,30,27 ClamA,85,0,31,3 ClamA,86,0,31,16 ClamA,87,0,31,23 TreeB,88,0,31,27 TreeD,89,0,31,28 ClamB,90,0,32,10 TreeD,91,0,32,28 ClamA,92,0,32,31 TreeA,93,0,33,3 TreeD,94,0,33,7 TreeA,95,0,33,20 TreeA,96,0,33,23 TreeB,97,0,33,32 ###RemovableTimers### ###Numerics### 157,145,160 0.00,0 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ###Stats### 160,1689,2,0,0,100,92500,96200,471,502500,502500,500,True,True,True,True,True 11/10/2016 9:58:55 PM ###EndofFile###

Additional Campaign Maps

To test campaign, make sure you've added your license code to Map01 scene GameManager > SaveLoadBattle so you can click any of the campaign buttons on the Army menu. Also, we've included a set of 21 campaign files (marked 0000camp00 - 0000camp20) in the download link below.


v6.0 Sample Maps Download Link


How can I make my own campaign maps?

Using the City Building Kit in Unity, design your map. A bit more symmetry - like those pre- arranged maps we see in popular free-to-play strategy games.

The procedure is simple- you run a new game in editor, generate the removables, clean the center, build the walls and then add a few things. It doesn't have to have everything from the start.

Press Local Save to store a copy of the map file on your computer. Retrieve this copy and keep it for further use. Stop the scene and start it again to build another.

Alternatively, you can press Server Save to save a copy online. Just make sure to change the ID in case you accidentally overwrite it when building another map.

There are 21 campaign maps 0000camp00-0000camp20. Campaign maps must use the same filename order as the script loads them by calling these exact filenames (#00-20)

0000camp00.txtThe first campaign (most left button in the screenshot above)
0000camp01.txtThe second campaign map (located on the bottom of the map)
0000camp02.txtThe third campaign map (top, next to the first)
0000camp03.txtThe fourth campaign map
0000camp04.txtThe fifth campaign map
0000camp05.txtThe sixth campaign map
0000camp06.txtThe seventh campaign map
0000camp07.txtThe eighth campaign map
0000camp08.txtThe ninth campaign map
0000camp09.txtThe tenth campaign map
0000camp10.txtThe eleventh campaign map
0000camp11.txtThe twelfth campaign map
0000camp12.txtThe thirteenth campaign map
0000camp13.txtThe fourteenth campaign map
0000camp14.txtThe fifteenth campaign map
0000camp15.txtThe sixteen campaign map
0000camp16.txtThe seventeenth campaign map
0000camp17.txtThe eighteenth campaign map
0000camp18.txtThe nineteenth campaign map
0000camp19.txtThe twentieth campaign map
0000camp20.txtThe last campaign map at the furthest right of the scroll screen.

Can I add more campaigns?

Yes, but you'll have to make changes in a few places. We recommend you first play with the kit and understand how the campaign variables are used (Ctrl+F search through the scripts) before attempting to add additional maps.

To add maps, first you'll need to add additional medallion mission buttons to the ScrollView in the UIAnchor campaign object.


Where the map buttons are located in the hierarchy. Click to view larger.

Each of these medallion buttons is connected to a LoadCampaign() function on tap.


NGUI button Inspector. Click to view larger.

In SaveLoadBattle.cs, each one of the button functions corresponds to one of the NGUI buttons, and triggers the campaign load for that specific medallion button level.

// Excerpt from SaveLoadBattle.cs // These 21 functions connect to the 21 NGUI campaign buttons placed // on the army menu public void LoadCampaign0(){LoadCampaign (0);} public void LoadCampaign1(){LoadCampaign (1);} public void LoadCampaign2(){LoadCampaign (2);} public void LoadCampaign3(){LoadCampaign (3);} public void LoadCampaign4(){LoadCampaign (4);} public void LoadCampaign5(){LoadCampaign (5);} public void LoadCampaign6(){LoadCampaign (6);} public void LoadCampaign7(){LoadCampaign (7);} public void LoadCampaign8(){LoadCampaign (8);} public void LoadCampaign9(){LoadCampaign (9);} public void LoadCampaign10(){LoadCampaign (10);} public void LoadCampaign11(){LoadCampaign (11);} public void LoadCampaign12(){LoadCampaign (12);} public void LoadCampaign13(){LoadCampaign (13);} public void LoadCampaign14(){LoadCampaign (14);} public void LoadCampaign15(){LoadCampaign (15);} public void LoadCampaign16(){LoadCampaign (16);} public void LoadCampaign17(){LoadCampaign (17);} public void LoadCampaign18(){LoadCampaign (18);} public void LoadCampaign19(){LoadCampaign (19);} public void LoadCampaign20(){LoadCampaign (20);}

Plus in the Map01 battle scene you'll need to edit the Campaign No array size with your new elements.



And lastly, you'll want to make sure you have uploaded to your server new campaign player maps. For example 0000camp21 to 0000camp9999 files. Thes emap files are basically renamed player save files. Not at all difficult to make, just build an enemy base in the Game scene save the file and rename it.

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